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How to begin the process:

Please fill out all required fields below and upload the required documents and photos.

From Mattress King:

We would like to begin by thanking you for your purchase from Mattress King. We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with your product but we appreciate the opportunity to address the situation. Mattress King will be more than happy to work with you and the manufacture in order to resolve your service issue.

Your warranty is covered 100% by our manufactures and they require all end consumers to fill out the following forms in order to process your claim. Please fill out all the required fields with as much detail as possible as well as the uploading the required documents and photos..

As soon as all required information is received back to Mattress King it will be reviewed by the manufacture and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss the next steps in resolving your concern. You will hear back in regards to your issue within 4-6 weeks of receipt.

Problems and Possible Solutions

Body Impressions

Body impressions are a natural occurrence on a mattress. The newer generation of mattresses have multiple layers of material over a strong supportive innerspring. These layers of material are designed to make an individual mold to each sleeper’s body to ensure the ultimate comfort, support, spinal alignment, and pressure relief. These body impressions are fully explained and reviewed in your mattress warranty card. Rotating your mattress on a regular basis will provide the ultimate life of the mattress and help avoid excessive impressions.


If your mattress seems to be developing a sag or you feel as if you are rolling to the center of the mattress it often can be due to the frame (or boxspring if you didn’t purchase the matching set) not supporting the mattress correctly. All queen and king size mattress sets require of solid frame with a center support down the middle. This center support must have at least one leg/foot that goes down to the floor. Your frame requirements are fully explained in your product warranty card. If you have an old frame or boxspring please contact Mattress King about purchasing a replacement.

Squeaks and Noise

Squeaks and other noises usually originate from the bed frame, headboard, or footboard. These noises are almost impossible to pinpoint until the mattress and boxspring are taken off the frame. Remove the mattress and boxspring from the frame, check the frame to make sure everything is tightly fastened together and then push around on the frame in several spots to locate the noise. If the noise is unfound replace the foundation on the frame and repeat the test. Finally, if the noise can’t be found replace the mattress on the foundation repeat the test.


When measuring the depth of a mattress impression please follow these steps:

  1. Place a tight straight edge across the mattress
  2. Rest a measuring tool in the lowest point of the impression OUTSIDE of any stitching
    1. Don't apply any pressure to the mattress, rather let it rest gently on the surface of the mattress
  3. Get a clear image showing where the straight edge and measuring tool cross showing the numeric depth of the impression

Due to health concerns, if the bedding is stained the mattress is considered to be unsanitary and the mattress warranty is null and void. This regulation is fully explained in the manufactures warranty card.

Also note, the manufacture warranty doesn't cover the cost of pickup and delivery of the replacement mattress so the applicable fee is due to Mattress King prior to any exchange being ordered and scheduled.

Once again, we thank you for your business and we appreciate the opportunity to service you with this request. It is our basic business practice to resolve any and all issues in the most effective and efficient manner possible. We apologize in advance for any troubles this issue has caused you and we look forward to continually serving you in the years to come.

Mattress King

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